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Leading Causes of Blocked Drains

There are many reasons for blocked drains, but the most common is a build-up of used grease. These substances have sticky properties, and when rinsed down the sink, they adhere to the inside of the pipe. Over time, this will prevent water from passing through. To avoid this, you should dispose of these substances in your garbage can. Likewise, you should also wipe away any excess oil from your sink before disposing of it.

In some cases, the leading cause of a blocked drain is an overflowing toilet. Toilets can only handle so much toilet paper at one time. If your toilet is overflowing, it could block the entire system. To solve this, you should flush more often, clear the pipe and allow water to drain away. If the blockage is persistent, you should call a plumber to unclog it.

Fats and grease from your kitchen and laundry machines can also clog your drains. Fats and grease stick to the walls of pipes and eventually form a clog. Even tiny amounts of oil can build up inside lines and eventually cause a blockage. To prevent this problem, it is always essential to clean the filters of these appliances. If you do not, you can buy a disposal bin for these materials and throw them away.

Regular clogs can cause serious problems for your home and your sewage system. If you notice that your drain is leaking water or has a gurgling sound, your main sewer is likely clogged. A plumber can quickly diagnose and repair a blocked drain before it becomes a problem. The following are some signs to look for in a blocked drain. They are a drip in the gutter, a gurgling sound, and a foul smell.

Roots in the ground are another reason for blocked drains. Tree roots are attracted to moisture and will grow into a drain carrying wastewater. Roots can penetrate old pipes and deteriorate them. A large number of blocked drains occur due to root obstructions. Tree roots are tough to stop, so you must take the necessary measures to keep them from blocking your sewers. If you are concerned about tree roots, you can flush chemicals into your drain to prevent their growth.

Non-disposable items like baby wipes, cotton buds, and car keys can also cause blocked drains. These items should be disposed of properly and not flushed down the toilet. These non-disposable items can clog the pipes and lead to a stinky bathroom. If you notice that your drain is blocked, do not try to clean it yourself. If you aren't confident enough to do so, call a professional to do it for you.

Another common cause of blocked drains is the use of toilet paper. Toilet paper is designed to be flushed down the toilet, but you shouldn't flush a large amount of it down the toilet. Toilet paper can stick together and cause blockages. Towels and baby wipes are another common cause of blocked drains. Even toilet paper can become clogged if you flush them down the toilet. And, of course, too much toilet paper can clog the pipes.

Jeremy Mayhew